Active Support

- Squirrels
- Beaver Scouts
- Cub Scouts
- Scouts
- Explorers
- Scout Network
- Active Support
- Adult Training
- International
- Youth Commissioners
Scout Active Support allows people to give their time to Scouting on a flexible basis. People can still be involved in Scouting without the full-time commitment of being a leader.
It provides a resource for Managers of local Scouting including Group Scout Leaders, District Commissioners and County/Area Commissioners, who can use it in whichever way is required.
In East Sussex we have Scout Active Support Units in Districts and one unit that goes across the County. Together we support events and have quite a good time taking part in social activities too.
If you are interested in joining, do get in touch with us by the contact page. There is no requirement to have been involved in Scouting before joining. All that is required is a willingness to volunteer some time to support Scouting.