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World Scout Jamboree 2023
We have now opened the applications for East Sussex's 25th World Scout Jamboree unit for South Korea 2023!
Click anywhere in this box to find the application form and a quick Q&A!
Thank you for visiting the International area of the East Sussex Website
“International, that’s just Jamboree I hear you cry”
There is a lot more to International Scouting than Jamborees. The International theme runs through the training scheme in the form of the World Challenge Awards in Beavers and Scouts and is part of the International, Community and Values list for Explorers undertaking their Chief Scouts Platinum and Diamond awards.
International scouting takes many forms, it could be having an Internationally themed evening, visiting one of the many International camps held in the UK, a day trip to France, inviting Scouts from overseas to join you at your camp. Travelling with your troop/unit/group to the far flung corners of the globe. If you want some advice about running an International evening - drop me an email.
To get up to date information on current International Opportunities for young people that are available, click here.
Then there are the “Big 3” Roverway, Moot and World Scout Jamboree. East Sussex now have participants attending all of these fantastic events as part of the UK Contingent.
To find out more about the these events visit the Scouts website where you can see the latest news and plans that the Scouts have for UK Contingents travel to their next adventures. Also there is a host of information on previous UK contingent adventures to wet your appetite.
Did you know taking part at an International camp either in the UK or Abroad as part of the International Service Team can count towards your D of E Gold Residential.
It may seem a challenge to organise an international even, but that is what the International Team are here for. Our purpose is to provide support and guidance on anything International. So even if you are just considering an international experience, get in contact and we will be more than happy to work with you to make your international adventures happed.
It would be great to be able to post your International adventures on the website, please feel free to contact me at acc.international@eastsussexscouts.org.uk.
It's a big and interesting World out there - go discover!
ACC International – East Sussex