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Mountain Bike challenge 2019

This year’s challenge takes place on Sunday 13th October 2019 at Broadstone Warren. Initial information for Leaders and Participants is given below. More detailed information will be sent out nearer the time to all those who have submitted entry forms.

Please send completed entry forms across before 7th October 2019.

No late entries will be accepted.

Trophies/Certificates are awarded for individual performance in each age group, for the fastest rider in each section (Scouts/Explorers) But the emphasis is on having Fun!!

Date: Sunday 13th October 2019

Place: Broadstone Warren County Scout Camp site and Activity Centre

Event: The Mountain Bike Challenge: A timed event comprising off road cycling along nearly 4 kilometres of muddy tracks, stream crossings, steep hills and natural obstacles. Also practice sessions before the main event and other activities may be available. There will be a different route this year as well.

Age Groups: Scouts will compete against others in the same age groups. A separate section will be run for Explorers and Scouts of Explorer age. Certificates will be awarded to the top three individuals in the Scout and Explorer Sections respectively, with trophies for the overall winner of the Scout section and overall winner of the Explorer section.

Times: Arrive: No earlier than 9:00 am. Registration from 9:15 to 9:45 am. Car parking is limited so please car share where possible to reduce the number of vehicles on site. The main course will be open from 10:00 – 12:00 noon. Main Challenge Event: from 1:00 – 3:00 pm. Each Scout/Explorer will be given their own individual start time when they register.

Clothes: T shirts/ track suit / old trainers / Gloves. No Jeans please. Additional warm clothing and waterproofs are required when not riding. Participants will get wet and muddy!

Safety: This is a potentially hazardous activity. No one will be allowed to ride without a cycle helmet and gloves. A full risk assessment will be available on request. First aiders will be stationed around the course.

Cycles: Bring your your own bike must be in good working order, particularly brakes. Remove lights and mudguards to avoid mud clogging. Scouts/Explorers are responsible for the safety of their own bikes as well.

Refreshments: A hotdog/burger stall will be selling hot snacks & drinks between 12:00 & 3:00 pm.

Leaders & Families: Are encouraged to stay and help or spectate. We ask that you do not accompany Scouts/Explorers around the course during the main event though. Please note: No dogs are allowed on site.

Marshals: Each troop/unit entering more than one participant must provide one leader/CRB checked parents to 3 scouts entering to act as marshals, To avoid delays in starting, all marshals should report to the registration desk no later than 9:15 am on the day of the event.

Cost: - £5:00 per Scout/Explorer

Applications: Complete the relevant entry form (1 per Troop/Unit) and return with full payment by cheque or cash before 7th October 2019 to Dean Layen (County Scout Leader), 3 Woodpecker Drive, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 3EZ. If you would like to pay by online bank transfer, please contact us beforehand for a payment reference and account details.

  • Download Scout Entry Form HERE

  • Download Explorer Entry Form HERE

  • Download this initial information HERE

Enquiries to: Dean Layen: Tel No. 07877 178016. Email –

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© 2025 East Sussex County Scouts. All rights reserved.

Charity number 291136

Registered address: Broadstone Warren, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JS

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