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Another Amazing Year

Writer: CCCC

Before we know it, Christmas will be upon us and then we’ll be planning for 2019; where did 2018 go? I wanted to drop you a personal message on this format as we move away from the traditional newsletter. Anything ‘newsworthy’ will be published on the website so please navigate there to read the latest news -

I want to start by saying another massive thank you to all the adult volunteers across the county. You continue to give outstanding service to your communities in developing young people to become better citizens and providing them with skills they’ll use throughout their lives. All adult volunteers have a part to play in those young peoples lives, be that a member of the executive committee ensuring that uniformed volunteers are supported and have enough resources to carry out their roles; section leaders, assistants and helpers who week in, week out, stretch, excite and challenge young people, making a direct impact on a young persons life; active support members who offer advice and guidance based on the knowledge they have learnt over the years, and commissioners who lead, support, encourage and guide to ensure everyone is safe and to ensure we continue to grow.

There have been many highlights for me this last year, with some challenges along the way. The challenges usually revolve around adults who have forgotten that we are all volunteers doing our best for the right reasons and that we do it to benefit young people, not for individual egos. The best part of my role though is in presenting adults with awards, recognising that extra effort they put in, be that a Silver Wolf or an Award for Merit or Commendation - all are recognition for the energy and enthusiasm that you have shown. I’ve also had the fantastic opportunity to present some personal commendations to young people worthy of recognition as well as presenting our first Explorer Belts for many years. Queen Scout Awards are up too which is an amazing achievement.

I set the County Strategy for 2019 -2025 earlier this year and we all have a part to play in it to make sure it is a success. I’d like everyone to take a look at it and see where you fit into it. It isn’t MY Strategy, it is the Counties and we won’t achieve the aims of getting more young people involved in our fantastic club if we don’t all take a part of it and own it. As you read it, please take some time to think “what can I do to make sure we achieve what we are setting out to do”. If we don’t all work together then there’ll be no surprise when we fail to achieve what we want to do by 2025.

Tune-Up was a fantastic success too and everyone that took part came away with a smile on their face and hopefully learnt something new. I’m really pleased to say that we are running it again in 2019 on the 10th, 11th & 12th May (avoiding St Georges Day!) with a focus on ‘Programme’. Keep the weekend free or book your site now at Broadstone Warren - camping and activities will be free and it is a great excuse to camp with friends, without the responsibility of young people and have the opportunity to learn something new as well. More details will be released on the website next year.

That’s enough from me now, although I’d like to reiterate the thanks, not only from me personally but also from the County Team.

It just leaves me to wish you a very merry Christmas, if you are having a break from Scouting, enjoy some well earned rest and please, come back next year, refreshed, energised and eager to take on the challenges more new young people will want to seize as we enter 2019.

All the best





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Charity number 291136

Registered address: Broadstone Warren, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JS

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