Ashdown 30, which took place on the 15th May, is an incident Hike on the South Downs that was planned and run by the leaders of 1st Buxted (O’Brien’s Own)
Scout troop.
There were classes for the youngest Beavers (walking 5km with 3 incident checkpoints) right up to Explorers (walking 30km with 6 incidents). The incidents covered a range of scouting skills from knotting, First aid and hike safety to general knowledge and logic puzzles. It was a really enjoyable day and a brilliant way to get back to scouting after over a year of zoom meetings and cancelled events.
We took part in the Explorer class and had an amazing time. We were really glad to be out on the Downs again, and it was great to see so many younger teams out enjoying themselves and getting their first experience of a competition hike! We all had a lot of fun doing the incidents, and all the checkpoint staff were really encouraging and friendly.
Unfortunately, the weather was not on our side, but we didn’t notice the wind or the rain, and were just thrilled to be scouting again! Even all the young teams that we passed on our journey were in great spirits and happy to be out on an adventure.
Overall I think it was a very successful event, very well organised by Duncan and his team, and I think I speak for everyone when I say I hope it will be the first of many Ashdown 30s!
- Report by Falcon Explorer Scout Unit