Welcome to the East Sussex Scouts New Year New Me Challenge!
Normally at this time of year we are thinking about blowing the cobwebs off our hiking gear and heading outdoors. This year is different because we are all in Tier 4, so we have got to do things differently!

We cannot meet up with our friends, but we CAN still go for a walk, get some fresh air and exercise.
It would be great to hear about your New Year New Me Challenge. Why not take a picture/video with a New Year message and share it for all to see? You can share your activity on the County Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/ScoutingInEastSussex (we'll start a thread you can reply to). Alternatively email nynm2021@eastsussexscouts.org.uk and we shall share it for you.
Scouts taking part can use this as an opportunity to cross off one of their Scout 100 Challenges!
The Government guidance is too Stay-At-Home however, you can go out to exercise.
Keep it local (ideally from your Doorstep, if that is not possible then a short drive to your nearest open space.)
Stick to the Government guidance for Tier 4 restrictions (below)
Remember - Hands. Face. Space.
From the Government website
People can also exercise outdoors or visit some public outdoor places, such as parks, the countryside accessible to the public, public gardens or outdoor sports facilities. You can continue to do unlimited exercise alone, or in a public outdoor place with your household, support bubble, or with one other person if you maintain social distancing.
Full guidelines Official Tier 4 Regulations.
Above all have fun and keep safe. Happy New Year to you all.