Hi all, I thought it may be a good idea to put as much information as we have so far in one place. So what is planned?
Friday 10th May
From 6pm onwards - arrival for camping. You will be able to set up your camp and use the showers and toilets – all for free. Food won’t be available till the Saturday so feel free to bring your own to cook. We do have indoor accommodation available should you wish to reserve it. Contact the County Office or the CTM (details below) to reserve your room. The evening will be yours to share stories, food and camaraderie.
Saturday 11th May
Activities will begin at 9am and run through to 6pm.
Sectional Programme sessions will be delivered by the ACCs responsible for each section. If you are a section leader - bring your programmes with you so that we can have a mass sharing session. Each session lasts an hour and will include an input from the CC, sectional relevant programme information and an input on managing difficult behaviour.
All sessions are planned as below:
Saturday 11th May
0900 - 1200 First Aid Refresher (Booked places only)
1300 - 1600 First Aid Refresher (Booked places only)
Section Leaders & Assistant Leaders
0900 - 1000 - Beaver Programme
1015 - 1115 - Cub Programme
1130 - 1230 - Scouts Programme
1245 - 1345 - Explorer Programme
1400 - 1500 - Beaver Programme
1515 - 1615 - Cub Programme
1630 - 1730 - Scouts Programme
Appointments Committee Members
1330 - 1430 - Update & Mod37 from Susan Cooke
1500 - 1600 - Adult Recruitment
There will be bases for instruction and demonstrations on Tilly Lamps (bring yours for repair), Mini Pioneering, Twist making, Veggie Backwoods Cooking, Rocket making, Programme in your Pocket, Knotting, Weald Woodsman as well as a stand discussing the 'Overland' and 'Downsman' competitions.
The evening will be handed over to socialising with a hog roast (and alternative option), a bar, a camp fire and a disco (maybe even some karaoke!). No finish time :)
Sunday 12th May
0930 – 1030 - Tai Chi
DESCs, Explorer Leaders & those who have Young Leaders in their sections
1030 - 1130 - Explorer & Young Leaders Programme
DSNCs & Network Leaders
1030 - 1130 - Network Programme
Throughout the weekend, you'll also be able to have-a-go at Zip Wire, Crate Stacking, Cube-Cargo Net, Climbing tower, Axe throwing & Air rifles shooting – just turn up.
You'll also have the opportunity to do your on-line learning at our media suite and gain practical knowledge around OSM.
We have representatives from Millets available for discussion on different camping equipment and they will be bringing equipment to show us. We are also hoping to have representatives from Buzz Active and High Sports climbing from Brighton.
You’ll have opportunities to have-a-go at hand bell ringing and to watch demonstrations on coppicing and hopefully chain saw carving.
You'll have a chance to purchase Bushcraft equipment over the weekend as well as making twists.
You'll be able to gain more information on activities that we cater for at Broadstone Warren as well as tours of the site for those who are new (or haven't visited for many years).
The Broadstone shop will be open all day Saturday and also Sunday morning, selling souvenirs, soft drinks and confectionary.
During the weekend we are hoping to have an opportunity to get your leather scout belt branded so don’t forget those.
We will have the ‘Jamboree Café’ up and running during Saturday and Sunday morning for you to purchase food and tea and coffee. All proceeds from the café will go directly to assist those attending the World Scout Jamboree.
If you have booked your place in to the adult volunteers event of the year, you'll now need to book into sessions as above. The way to get your name into a session is to drop the County Office an email (CountyOffice@eastsussexscouts.org.uk) or give Marié a call on 01342 826491 and ask her to place your name on the list.
If you want to use this weekend as an opportunity to recruit new members then please contact Jan (ctm@eastsussexscouts.org.uk) to get them booked in.
