If you have booked your place in to the adult volunteers event of the year, you'll now need to book into sessions as below. The way to get your name into a session is to drop the County Office an email (CountyOffice@eastsussexscouts.org.uk) or give Marié a call on 01342 826491 and ask her to place your name on the list.
Sessions are:
Saturday 11th May
Section Leaders & Assistant Leaders
0900 - 1000 - Beaver Programme
1015 - 1115 - Cub Programme
1130 - 1230 - Scouts Programme
1245 - 1345 - Explorer Programme
1400 - 1500 - Beaver Programme
1515 - 1615 - Cub Programme
1630 - 1730 - Scouts Programme
Appointments Committee Members
1330 - 1430 - Update & Mod37 from Susan Cooke
1500 - 1600 - Adult Recruitment
Sunday 12th May
DESCs, Explorer Leaders & those who have Young Leaders in their sections
1030 - 1130 - Explorer & Young Leaders Programme
DSNCs & Network Leaders
1030 - 1130 - Network Programme
There will be other activities over the weekend such as Zip Wire, Crate Stacking, Cube- Cargo Net, Climbing tower, Axe throwing and Air rifle shooting as well as scouting skills and much more but these are more likely to be drop in sessions.
See you there.
