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East Sussex County Training 



Our training courses are running both online using video conferencing software and some are Face to Face. Please see below for training opportunities and a link to book.


Module and Course Bookings

Further details of each module can be found below under Course Details.



Current Courses Available


Introduction to Residential Experiences - Module 16 - Face to Face​

Running Safe Activities - Module 17 - Face to Face Session

International - Module - 19 - Face to Face


Please scroll down through the modules to find the booking form.


For all First Response Bookings please see our dedicated information page - Clic​​​​​​​​​



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 We are sorry if the course you require is not available. Please check back regularly to see new courses.


         In the mean time please ensure that you have completed any E-learning that is necessary for your role and informed your            Training Advisor so they can record this and arrange validation of the module.





Click Here for the Training Booking Form


Course Details


First Response - 10A & 10B


This is a face to face course which includes all the criteria required for 1st Response


First Response - Part 2: Online Training (Module 10A)


This is part 2 of 3 for First Response. You must first complete the E-Learning before attending part 2. During this part of the course it builds on what you have learnt in part one and includes interactive discussions and questions with the other course participants and the tutor.



Programme Planning (Module 12B)


Programme Planning 12B is a mandatory module for Section Leaders and Assistant Section Leaders.


Programme Planning 12B provides section leaders with an opportunity to plan and review a sectional programme including the use of a variety of methods to generate programme ideas.


Topics covered:

  • How to create an exciting and relevant programme

  • How to generate programme ideas

  • How to review a programme to enhance it​



Growing The Section (Module 13)


Covers ways in which an adult volunteering with a section can assist their line manager and others to plan for and contribute to the growth of their section and/or group.

Topics covered:

  • Importance of growth in scouting

  • Recruitment and retention: young people

  • Recruitment and retention: adults

  • Tools and support to help sections grow

  • Development plans


Supporting Young People (Module 14)


This module is aimed at all section leaders and other adults supporting young people in Scouting. It aims to enable adult volunteers working with young people, to understand and meet their needs.


Topics covered

  • Characteristics and development of young people.

  • External influences on young people.

  • Creating a supportive environment for young people.

  • Responding to issues affecting young people.



Promoting Positive Behaviour (Module 15)


This module is aimed at all section leaders and other adults supporting young people in Scouting. It aims to enable adult volunteers to proactively promote positive behaviour and appropriately manage challenging behaviour in their section.


Topics covered

  • Defining challenging behaviour.

  • Planning for positive behaviour; principles and strategies. 

  • Responding to challenging behaviour.

  • Additional help and support for challenging behaviour.



An Introduction to Residential Experiences (Module 16)


This module aims to enable section leaders and those who may support residential experiences for young people, as part of their role in Scouting, to understand the role that residential experiences play in Scouting.


Topics covered:

  • Preparing for a residential experience

  • Identifying skills

  • Permits and specifics



Running safe Activities – Module 17


This module aims to enable adults to plan and run exciting, safe and developmental activities for the young people in their section.

Topics covered:

  • Importance of activities in a Balanced Programme

  • Planning and carrying out activities

  • Permits

  • Risk assessment

  • Leader in charge



Assessing Learning (Module 25)


This module is for Training Advisers, Nights Away Advisers, Activity Advisers and Creative Activity Advisers and Assessors. 


This module contains objectives that relate to the assessment of an individual within either the Adult Training Scheme, Nights Away, Activity Permit Scheme or Scout Show National Recognition. The objectives are as follows: By the end of the module participants should be able to: 1) Describe the Adult Training scheme / Nights Away Permit Scheme / Adventurous Activity Scheme / Scout Show National Recognition and how they operate. 2) Explain their own and others’ roles within the scheme. 3) Identify the learning or development needs of the people they support and/or assess. 4) Undertake appropriate assessments and validations. 5) Provide constructive feedback on positive areas and areas to develop. 6) Explain how they can demonstrate the values and methods of The Scout Association in their role. 7) Plan to meet their own subject knowledge needs.



Advising on Adult Appointments Module 37


This module is for all members of the Appointments Advisory Committee, including the Appointments Chairman and Appointments Secretary. It provides information and gives practical advice on the running of the Appointments Advisory Committee.


Topics Covered



Click Here for the Training Booking Form




Notes for First Aid - Module 10 


There are currently 3 options available for First Response training within East Sussex:


1) Full Course face to face (All of parts A&B completed) - 1 Day

2) Part Blended (Short course)

a. Complete E-learning (First part of 10A) - 2.5 hours

b. Attend face to face Short course covering the second part of 10A and the practical assessment 10B - 3.5 hours

3) Blended

a. Complete E-learning (First part of 10A) - 2.5 hours

b. Attend online trainer led second part of 10A - 3 hours

c. Practical Assessment 10B - 20 minutes, face to face)






Please ensure that you arrive in plenty of time for your assessment as we may not be able to accommodate you if you are not present for your booked assessment slot.





Any queries should be addressed to the training team

Child Exploitation and Online Protection command

© 2025 East Sussex County Scouts. All rights reserved.

Charity number 291136

Registered address: Broadstone Warren, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JS

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